Gain discernment and ground yourself in true reality with these FIVE easy to follow tips. Reclaim your true self on the path to KNOW THYSELF.
We've all been there. Trying to understand why we didn't get the results we wanted when we tried so hard this time. Or, why our partner or friend is angry and hurt again by our behavior, and, why no matter how hard we try, we just cannot gain a foothold on changing our patterned behaviors or emotional responses to life's situations. This blog post provides simple spiritual guidance to assist you in understanding why this happens, and what you can do about changing it.

Sometimes these "failure" experiences lead us to feelings of victimhood or of just not being understood. Usually, we find ourselves either projecting our wounds and disappointments onto others, or we feel like we are doomed to fail in life and get depressed or anxious and become defeatists in our thoughts or actions.
In metaphysics, we know that in the fractal nature of the Universe, the principle of correspondence boils down to this, "As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without." How this applies to the situtation we find ourselves in, is that our inner world of thoughts, patterns, beliefs, and emotions will find a way to reflect themselves to us in the world outside of us. This is done by design so that we can come to know ourselves, come to heal ourselves and come to accept responsibility for what we've created within and without our selves. In other words, to accept true reality.
The biggest disconnect comes when we cannot or will not accept the truth of the reality of the universe and especially of the outcomes of our actions and inactions.
What then is "reality?" Its simplest definition is, "the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them." Another way of conceptualizing reality is that which does not change or alter based on your opinion or perspective. Perspective is born out of childhood programming. It is a lens created to aid in our general understanding of making decisions based upon previous experiences and outcomes. Because of this, our perspective is often clouded by fears, wounds, trauma, drama and the such, and isn't as reliable as we would hope to its aid for understanding our life experiences unbiased. We rarely have enough discernment to be able to see the nuances between my reality and the reality, and it is this lack of discernment that creates a dissonance with the world.
In Empower Thyself, I share an ancient metaphysical teaching and powerful tool for understanding the ego and the cycle of human processes which creates an opportunity to gain control over our actions and reactions while clearing out the backlog of unexpressed emotions and repressed memories so that the smudges can be wiped off of the lens of our perspective. This self-healing creates an opportunity to step more fully into true reality.
While learning to create space in your life to reflect on your beliefs, values, and experiences can provide clarity on what is important to you. It rarely leads you to your authentic self. However, the process of self-discovery remains crucial for developing discernment and staying grounded in the truth of reality that is divorced from subjectivity.
Empower Thyself sets you on a path of knowing yourself at your deepest core. It provides the energy and tools to make changes, increases manifestation, provides progression towards inner peace, and instructs you on the framework of the Universe. It begins to answer the five fundamental questions all humans ask:
Who Am I?
What Am I?
Where did I Come From?
Where Am I Going?
What is my Purpose in Life?
Whist you may not be quite ready to jump into the 2-day training with a physical initiation in our Empower Thyself program, I'd like to offer you a few tips to help you discern whether you are reality, or stuck in your "... idealistic and notional ideas..." of reality.
Spiritual Guidance Tip #1 - Be Willing to Be Wrong
One of the most difficult things to live authentically in true reality is the willingness to be wrong. No one likes to be wrong. Some of us will go to extreme efforts and employ sophisticated avoidance tactics to escape from having to admit we are wrong, including mental gymnastics of the most complex nature that create an entire narrative as to why we were right and our behavior or actions where correct.
What do you think creates this universal impulse to avoid being wrong?
I could write an entire book on the reasons that we are perfectionists which would end up joining the selves of other more erudite authors who write on the same subject. It is something we know deeply within our being, that we are NOT perfect. Perfect is a static state of being. Humans are anything BUT static. We are ever changing and ever evolving. And, we can only be perfect while in the act of perfecting ourselves through progression.
"I am willing to be right. I am willing to be wrong. I am willing to not know the answer. I am willing to discover." Dave Lanyon in 'You are Not Perfect the Way You Are: 11 Keys to Master Your Life.'
Therefore, a willingness to accept that I will make mistakes on the way to perfection means that I accept that my perception of the world around me is also not perfect.
Letting go of the rigidity of perfectionism creates infinite space to explore and accept other points of view. The best test of whether something leads me towards true reality can only be met through experience. When I'm willing to be wrong, that also means I'm willing to try new things in order to gain new experiences that can inform my discernment. Then, I can integrate into my perception the things that have given me positive results and heal the imperfections in the perception that kept me from seeing the world accurately.
Spiritual Guidance Tip #2 - Have a Curiosity of Self & Others
One of the greatest things to master is curiosity. Especially when on the path the Know Thyself. Curiosity is bore out a sense of adventure. We have within us a natural urge to explore and try new things. It is usually fear that tricks us into thinking we are not adventuous. While you may not be ready to climb a mountain or jump out of an airplane, exploration of self and people around you is a worthy adventure to undertake.
To be curious, I must first be willing to be open-minded and to free myself from extreme emotion and opinion. These things create separation. I cannot be curious about myself or others unless I seek to heal and repair the schism of separation that exists only within my mental and emotional bodies.
"...extreme emotions override wisdom and clarity, driving people into places that often generate very negative FRUITS. Negative judgements, opinions and resulting extreme reactions are the expected response."Dave Lanyon in 'You are Not Perfect the Way You Are: 11 Keys to Master Your Life.'
I like to remind myself of what it felt like as a child. Seeing the world and the people as though it is the first time I'm seeing them. I ask a lot of questions, both of myself and of others. When I wondering about how others are seeing the world and how they perceive experiences it creates space within my own mind and emotions to question my own experience and to seek the deeper meaning of it. I am eternally curious of my inner dialogue, and why I react emotionally to experiences. When I question myself it leads me down a path of exploration that inevitably uncovers the nugget of real underneath the mound of unreal.
How would your view of the world change if you were to treat every person and every experience from this child-like state? With an openness. Accepting it's newness. In the absence of judgement. With a deep curiosity to understand.
The only way to know is to give it a try - be curious, ask questions, reserve judgement, and explore your inner world with a child-like exuberance.
Spiritual Guidance Tip #3 - Do Not Take Things Personally
This might be the most difficult tip to implement as we tend to take EVERYTHING personally. We confuse sympathy for empathy, we confuse tolerance with compassion, and we are trained to look at the world from only our internal perspective. Which is a problem because, as discussed above, the lens of perspective can be littered with blind spots and smudges.
For example: How many times have you been cut off in traffic only to get furious at having been cut off only to continue on a tirade about how "they could have killed me..." or "clearly their time is more important than mine is...". When, in actuality, what felt like a very personal attack was actually just a distracted driver who simply misjudged the distance.
A personal example: As a parent, one of the things I really struggled with was not taking everything my children did personally. From how they acted in public to how they took care of their rooms and toys, somehow, I had decided, it was all a reflection of how good of a parent I was. I was afraid of being judged by their actions. And, I took it personally when they threw tantrums or misbehaved.
The reality is that most people walk through life concerned about themselves and maybe a handful of other people. We are all focused on our lives (both the inner and outer expressions). Therefore, our actions are generally aligned with self-gratification, protection, and production. The world tends towards self-absorption.
This means that even when someone acts negatively towards you, it is a reflection of their inner world of unresolved wounds, traumas or worthiness issues which are being projected onto you during your interaction. Even in that projection, it can remain a very one-sided expression. Unless, you begin to take their behavior personally. If that happens, you risk triggering your own "unresolved stuff" prompting a reactionary stance and ultimately a push back.
How someone behaves has nothing to do with you. It has to do with them. So, let go.
When we take things personally it leads to inner and outer turmoil. Which leads us to our next tip.
Spiritual Guidance Tip #4 - Forgive Yourself and Others Often
A willingness to forgive is a bedrock for any spiritual or healing foundation. This foundational energy is the starting point of all healing. And, the lack of it blurs our perception and keeps discernment from growing.
Sometimes it is much easier to forgive others for their transgressions than it is to forgive ourselves. So many of our modern diseases and disorders stem from the lack of self-forgiveness, as its energy festers in our body like an untreated infection.
The fastest way to clear our lens of perception is to forgive often. Forgiveness should begin with self-forgiveness.
Forgivness does not mean that what happened is okay, or that you are accepting bad behavior or transgressions. It means that you choosing to free your energy (in the form of memory) from the place it stuck in your timeline. It frees you and it frees the person you are forgiving, returning your energy to you and their energy to them.
We are all responsible for our actions. However, I am not responsible for doling out punishment and judgement for those who have hurt me. I AM responsible for my own actions and choices subsequent to the hurt, and this is usually the perfect place to begin targeting an act of forgiveness.
Try this phrase: "I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you." Apply it to things or people you want to forgive. Allow the energy of forgiveness to flow through you and you will experience freedom and you will retrieve an essence of true reality.
Spiritual Guidance Tip #5 - Anchor Yourself in Gratitude
If you can master this tip, you will never want for anything again. Gratitude is the best frequency to hold as you live your life. It is a sister frequency to abundance, and it creates the best feedback loop you can create for yourself. When are the master of gratitude and can recognize that every circumstance in your life was a part of your path towards self-mastery, nothing will hold power over you, your emotional and mental well-being is yours completely.
"Gratitude is taking stock of the things that allow us to have choices, and those choices become our ability to create expressions both externally in the daily world as well as internally in the world within." Dave Lanyon in 'You are Not Perfect the Way You Are: 11 Keys to Master Your Life.'
There is a saying, "Whatever you focus on will expand." Such a simple yet factual statement. Each of us, in our own right, are creators. If nothing else, we are creating our lives. When we focus on the things that are not going well, more things tend to fall apart or cause disruption. However, when we focus on what is going well, more things go well. This is also perfectly applied with the energy of gratitude. As you choose to focus on what you are grateful for, you will have more things to be grateful for appear in your life.
Even on the darkest of days, shifting focus towards being grateful can move stuck energy and even bring a ray of hope. On my darkest days, I've used gratitude to pull myself out of depression by starting to list things in nature, things around me, and then the people in my life that I felt gratitude towards. Though what started as an extremely difficult task, thinking of even ONE simple thing I was grateful for seemed impossible, by the end I found myself being grateful for events of the most challenging nature.
Just like forgiveness, gratitude does not mean that I am saying events or situations were okay, especially if I was hurt in them.
Instead, gratitude acknowledges the growth and lessons learned as component pieces of inner strength, determination, or a will to overcome. For those things, I am eternally grateful.
Saying that I'm grateful for gratitude might seem trite. It is, however, the one thing that never fails to shift me out of darkness and back into the light. Once I accepted this lesson, I have made gratitude a part of my daily life. It anchors me in reality, and keeps my energy from sticking or becoming stagnant. I hope that you also decide to develop a relationship with this energy. I know that once you do, life will become so much easier to live, and that your ability to accept true reality will become a breeze.
Spiritual Guidance for the Power of Living in True Reality
As creators, living in true reality is extremely important. We are constantly creating the world around us, however if we are living in illusion what we end up creating is dramatic, superficial, and lacks any substance. True reality allows us to create things that are meaningful, have depth and are usually related to service. We can create things that last, that impact others positively, and that make us proud.
Begin your journey by working with one tip and build from there. You do not need to master all FIVE at the same time to see results in your life.
Gaining discernment and grounding yourself in true reality is a continuous journey that requires dedication, self-awareness, and an open mind. By incorporating these spiritual guidance tips for living in true reality into your daily lives, you will deepen your connection to reality and, ultimately, live a more authentic life.