Fairies, and Elves, and Mermaids, Oh My!!!
Would you be surprised to learn that we share the planet with non-human beings who have unique magick and societies?
Learn how we cohabitate. As we share our planet with other Beings of Light, the ancient mystery schools have acknowledged and cultivated relationships with the other 11 races of Magickal Beings over the ages, allowing collaboration and peaceful interaction to be possible.
Who are these Beings, such as the Elves, Fairies, Mer, Gypsies and others? And, how can we build harmonious and empowering relationships for all Beings of Earth?
The time has come to reveal this sacred knowledge of our Elemental brothers and sisters. You are invited to learn more about who these Races are, their part in the evolution of humanity, and how we can rebuild harmonious and empowering relationships between all 12 Races of Earth. Join Guest Instructor Michaela Court with Energy-Catalyst for this amazing opportunity!
WHEN: Friday, October 1, 2021 TIME: 6 pm - 10 pm WHERE: Phoenix, AZ
• $180 single class
• $610 - 12 Races of Earth, Sacred Geometry 1, Astral Travel, and Journeys of the Spirit
REGISTRATION: (All registration for this class will go through Michaela Court)
1) Reserve your space by email: michaela@energy-catalyst.com
2) Purchase individual class or package: Venmo - @Michaela-Court
ABOUT THE GUEST INSTRUCTOR: Michaela Court is a Certified Guide, Healer, Teacher, and Ritual Master (Magus Hermerticus) with the Modern Mystery School. Her passion to perceive and awaken to your True Self has led her to study and receive advanced tools in a 3000+ year old Hermetic tradition. She focuses on helping you discover your life purpose, to live a life of empowerment and fulfillment.